Recently, we have been covering several content blogs about Profile Picture (PFP) NFTs. However, most of them are at a price range that is unaffordable for 99% of the world. I mean, who spends a month’s rent on a JPEG, right? Therefore, this blog is dedicated to PFP NFTs at a lower price point, let’s call them cheap PFP NFTs for now.
You can find part 1, part 2, and part 3 of our PFP series on our blog.
In our past editions, we covered big collectible series like The Crypto Punks, Bored Ape Yach Club, and Meebits, But we also wrote about up-and-coming ones like Lazy Lions, Sneaky Vampire Syndicate, and Pudgy Penguins. Some of the latter ones already mooned hard after our blogs came out. A few of these series even airdropped new NFT series to holders of their NFT. Which brought even more value to the NFT collectors.
Anyways, there is enough to cover about in the industry. Today we focus on the more cheap PFP NFTs, the ones with a lower entry barrier point for new NFT investors. Everyone is looking for that new hidden gem, and this list might help you find one.
Once you find one you like, make sure to read this blog on some Opensea features you might find useful before you make a purchase.
9 Low Entry Point Cheap PFP NFTs
Don’t you wish you bought a Bored Ape for 0.08 ETH in May? Well, here are a few opportunities that might help you find your next NFT collectible. No financial advice as always, you do you and make your own decision, We just follow these projects and see great potential for a fair price to get into one of the cheap PFP NFTs.
All of these projects can be found on Opensea. If you don’t have an account, create one here.
1] Non-Fungible Heroes
The Non-Fungible Heroes are an NFT collection brought to you by the BBCo team to educate, entertain, and inspire. Spawned through community engagement, the creative universe extends beyond the imagination, seeking to beguile and bewilder those intrepid travelers who bravely surf the new frontier of the internet.
2] 0x Vampires Project
0xVampire is a collection of randomly generated NFT characters living on the Ethereum blockchain. 9,999 0xVampires are created from over 200 hand-drawn traits.
They sold out at minting in a matter of minutes, and their discord states an airdrop is coming around Holloween for holders of an 0x Vampire NFT.
This is one of my personal favourites of this list of cheap PFP NFTs. Especially with the free NFT that’s coming this month.
3] The Project URS
About Project URS, it is a collection of 10,000 post-apocalyptic exploration robots existing as 3-D NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Each one tells a different story about what they’ve found in the wasteland, but to share their research they require humans as partners. They need you. At least that’s what the team tells us.
4] The Moon Boyz
This one looks kinda catchy to me. The Moon Boyz is a collection of 11,111 unique ERC-721 tokens living on the Ethereum Blockchain. Unique and 3D designed, each NFT comes with a full membership to an ever-growing community and awesome utilities.
5] Secret Society of Whales
A bunch of popular collectibles are based on animals, and so is this one. The Secret Society of Whales is a collection of 10,000 Whale NFTs that serves as a membership and a vote within our community. #TogetherWeWhale is their initiative on Twitter to uplift the NFT space as a collective group.
6] Broadcasters NFT
Broadcasters are a collection of programmatically, randomly generated NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. The 1st generation consists of 7,777 arts randomly assembled from over 300 traits. Broadcasters have a variety of outfits, screens, and colors. Each broadcaster is comprised of a unique body, head, screen, outfit & accessories. Welcome to the Broadcaster NFT Family. What do you think of them?
7] Crypto.Chicks
The Crypto.Chicks Collection was created to highlight the importance of women in the crypto space and reflects the individuality and uniqueness of every woman.
The collection is based on the Ethereum blockchain and includes 10k unique gorgeous girls. Every girl has various rare attributes and features, some of them occurring only once!
There’s a few collectible series based on women, but this is one that is right under the 0.25 ETH floor we set for this blog.
8] The Yakuza Cat Society
Who doesn’t like cats right? Therefore we’ve seen a lot of different NFT series based on cats. One of the latest ones is the Yakuza Cats Society, which is a unique collection of 8,930 yakuza cats with over 300 traits.
The 1st Oyabun of the Yakuza Cats Society had grown old and passed away at the age of 17. Later, the right and the left hand, leading a cat-and-dog life, went their separate ways. They have their respective organizations based in different regions: one in Tokyo and the other in Osaka, and have been in a fierce fight ever since, aiming to rule all of Japan. Join the syndicate you want by staking yakuza cats, expand your syndicate in the region, and become Yakuza Oyabun that rules all of Japan!
9] Lazy Lion Bungalows
This series started as an airdrop to holders of the Lazy Lions. Each holder could mint one for free, and about 1500 were sold for 0.3 ETH each. Right now, the floor is lower than the mint price of the Lazy Lions Bungalows, so it could be a steal.
This is a bit different from PFP, because this NFT is for social media banners. It’s the exact size of the Twitter banner, and it allows you to display a few more NFTs on the banner. Cool right?

Final Thoughts on Cheap PFP NFTs
The first time we wrote about the Bored Apes, the floor was below 5 ETH. Nowadays, the floor is over 40 ETH. This happened in the time span of 3 months! Things move fast in the cryptocurrency industry, especially in the NFT sector.
You snooze, you lose. It’s a simple as that.
I don’t mean you need to FOMO into the 9 projects listed in this blog. However, take some time to understand the industry. Find a collectible you like, click around in the rarities and price ranges. See if you feel comfortable making a purchase. And once you’re ready, click that buy button.
If you want to get more updates on NFT airdrops, or related news. Make sure to follow us on Twitter. And if you happen to find an NFT you like with this blog, please share our content with your friends. You know, sharing is caring. Spread the love folks.
Take care.